Saturday, April 02, 2016

Violence in Nagorno Karabakh today

Did the 1990s war ever spread to Baku, Tarlan?

1 comment:

Tarlan said...

Hey Jim, sorry for late response, as you know i was visiting another autocracy for F1, will share my impressions later if wouldn't mind:) so been away at the time when ceasefire was violated.
At 1990's the signs of war were all over the city, people with weapons, ambulances in front of military hospitals, helipad right in the middle of the city for urgent delivery of casualties from the battlefields. But NO, the war was about 200km away from capital.
Funny enough that the last clashes happened exactly at the place where i was taking my military service ar 1997-98 so i quite familiar with this area. At the result of 3 days battles our army didn't take any inhabited locality, but manage to move about 1-2km forward and destroy the defence line which was build and continuously upgraded for last 20 years, full with bunkers, strengthening and tunnels. The main role of course is the modern military technic supplied by Israel, Turkey and of course Russia.